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Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung

Series titles:

  • Headlines of the End Times
    Ezekiel predicts 'in the latter years' a coalition of nations will gather together and attack the nation of Israel. Ezekiel predicts this coalition of nations will be led by Russia, along with Iran, Turkey, Sudan, and Libya. All of these nations are in our headlines today. Internationally, you hear much more about what these nations are doing. Dr. DeYoung will tell us more about what is going on behind the scenes and give evidence of the partnerships emerging between these nations today.
      Includes study guide
    (For this title only, choose DVD #1, CD #1, Study Guide #1 or Transcript #1)

  • How Close is the End?
    How close to the end do you think we are? No one knows but God. Yet in these three informative programs, we address the latest developments in North Africa and the Middle East, events in Israel, as well as events in Europe from a biblical perspective.
      Includes study guide
    (For this title only, choose DVD #2, CD #2, Study Guide #2 or Transcript #2)

Guests: Dr. Ed Hindson, Dr. Mark Hitchcock and Dr. Ron Rhodes

Series titles:

  • The Biblical Case for the Rapture of All Christians
    You will learn where Jesus says he is coming back to rapture all Christians from the earth to meet him in the air and take them to heaven. How quickly millions of Christians will be taken from the earth, and why the Bible says this will happen before the terrible tribulation events begin.
    (For this title only, choose DVD #3, CD #3 or Transcript #3)

  • Five Great Debates of the End Times
    When does the tribulation start, and how long does it last? Is the antichrist a Muslim? Which nations are involved in the Ezekiel 38 war and what happens in the final battle of Armageddon? Has the church replaced Israel as the recipient of God's promises and blessings? When will the Jewish temple be rebuilt?
    (For this title only, choose DVD #4, CD #4 or Transcript #4)

Headlines of the End Times Collection

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